Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Turbo Kick Instructor Training

     I found out about Turbo Kick classes at my very first Super Saturday (quarterly Beachbody meetings).... I was interested to find out more what Turbo Kick was so I did some research online. I found out that 1. anyone could do the instructor training and 2. the classes were FUN!

     I wanted to take the instructor training, but one thing that held me back was of course my own fear. I am extremely shy and just not the outgoing type so to do something like this would mean I would have to get over that! Then I had never actually taken one of the classes. While I had done a workout which was similar called TurboFire, I hadn't actually done a Turbo Kick class. That worried me that I would look silly.

     I proccrastinated on the first training that was near my area due to my own fear and self doubts. One thing that Beachbody has done for me since becoming a coach has taught me to read personal development everyday. Through this I was able to put that fear to the side and I registered for the instructor class! Does that mean I was not super nervous to go? Absolutely not! I was a nervous wreck!

     The morning of the training I got there early. So I sat in my car praying for peace and for me to kick all of my self doubt, fear, and shyness to the door! Guess what? It totally worked! I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and our God is awesome!

     I walked in and everyone was so nice! There were a few other girls that I knew from my training group and they had never taken the classes either, this immediately put me at ease! Since they were in the same boat as me, I wasn't worried about looking silly!

    The instructor was so nice and broke down each step as we begin the training. It was one of the best exercises I have ever done. I was instantly in love with Turbo Kick. The class lasted all day with some sit down talks about how to run Turbo Kick classes and two Turbo Kick classes combined in there. It started at 9 and ended at 5, but it never felt like we were there that long.

    When I left I was a sweaty, tired mess. I was so sore for a couple of days after the training. I am so thankful for the opportunity to do the instructor training.. I am thankful to Beachbody for teaching me the skills to step out of my comfort zone. Once you have the courage to step out of that comfort zone it truly is where the magic happens.

      I have now been practicing Turbo Kick everyday. I don't think I will ever actually teach a class, but just to know that I did the class and got the training which is something I NEVER saw myself doing is just pure awesomesauce! I got out of my comfort zone and did something to prove that I could! If you have never tried Turbo Kick find a class in your area. I think you will love it, and who knows maybe one day soon you will be a Turbo Kick instructor too!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

21 Days of FitMas Holiday Slimdown

I will be hosting my next weight loss support challenge group and it is going to be the 21 Days of FITmas Holiday Slimdown Challenge.

When is it? Monday Dec 2 - Sunday Dec 22

This is going to be 21 days of FOCUSED FITNESS, NUTRITION and SUPPORT. 

In 21 days, you can lose up to 15 lbs. and unveil your new fit holiday body on Christmas Eve! You can go all out for 21 days and then take the rest of the month off if you want, or continue with us for the rest of the month - your choice! Get a head-start on your New Years Resolution and start looking and feeling better right now. Don't wait until New Year's, this group is going to be fun, and 21 days is so quick! It will pass off before you know it! 

There are going to be some awesome prizes during this challenge that I am so excited about ! (Weekly draws based on YOUR participation):

They are going to be:
Focus T25
Les Mills Combat
$50 gift card

Also, the month of November, Beachbody is “Give $20 and Get $20” for every Challenge Pack sold. Meaning, you will get $20 to use towards anything Beachbody AND $20 will go to feeding the hungry!

**Nov 19th is the last day you can order to ensure delivery of your challenge pack or Shakeology by 12/2.

Requirements: Shakeology and a Beachbody Fitness program

Message me or comment for more information at fitnic13@aol.com or find me at www.facebook.com/nicolemcduffiesfitness. I look forward to hearing from you!


Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Another Success Story, my sweet friend Tracy

     I met Tracy during a very rough spot in my life, and one in hers. We have become such great friends even though we have never met in person. She has been a person that I could pour my heart out to and she totally understand me and gets it! God certainly knew what he was doing when he crossed our paths. She was one of the very first people to support me in my Beachbody business. She saw that I truly believed in Beachbody products and decided to give it a try.

     She has now completed two Beachbody programs, Chalean Extreme and TurboFire, and she got some amazing results! She has had 4 kids and wasn't overweight, but she wasn't happy with the body she now had. Tracy's goal was to lose 10 pounds and to feel comfortable in her own skin again. When she looked at pictures of herself she saw a lady who was beautiful, but covered herself with baggy clothes. She was not comfortable wearing bathing suits when she took her kids swimming. 

    She completed Chalene Extreme first and saw some amazing results from this program. She started to lose weight like crazy which is what the program promises. She actually had to up her calories intake because her weight started to come off so fast. She gained lean muscle and her bicep muscle was out of this world! When she completed this program she loved Chalene Johnson so much that she decided to do TurboFire and she continued to get some amazing results even though she did not believe she would get anymore then she already had. 

     Tracy also had to workout at home because she has 4 kids. It was important that she do something that she could do at home while the kids were playing. It is so funny to see pictures of her kids flexing their muscles or to hear about her 2 year old saying she wants to go size (short for exercise). Not only is she making herself healthy, but she is an example for her kids. I can guarantee that that will carry over into their adulthoods. How awesome is that? Knowing that you provided that for your kids so they never have to struggle with the things that we have as far as weight loss or being healthy goes. It gives me goosebumps! 

     Her total weight lost is 17 pounds. Total inches lost 17 inches. Waist -4 inches, hips -1 in, abductors -3 in, chest -3 in, arms -1 in each, and thighs -2 in in each! Are these not amazing numbers! She got the inches lost in all the right spots, and she looks amazing and gorgeous! Tracy now feels comfortable in her own skin. She wears clothes that fit her and feels comfortable doing that as well. She loved the format of the challenge group because the members help you to be accountable, and when you feel down they pick you up. The support is out of this world. Tracy gives some great advice to our challenge group. I feel so blessed and honored that she trusted me to help her in this journey. She has given our group so much support and encouragement and it wouldn't be the same without her in it! 

    What does Tracy have to say now that she has completed two Beachbody Programs? "I am in better shape now at 41 then I have ever been in! And above all I love that I started paying more attention to eating. We aren't perfect and we still have our treats and pizza nights for sure. But I am making better choices for myself, and for what my family is putting in their bodies. And finally now, that I have surpassed any goal I set for myself and didn't even think was possible (I lost 10 lbs more than the goal I had set!!!) I am learning balance in my eating, learning to enjoy food and be smart about it, but also to not have as much guilt if I have a not so good day!"







If you have been wanting to lose weight by yourself and have failed maybe you should consider joining one of my weight loss challenge groups. We offer accountability, daily food ideas, and support. Shoot me a message today, fitnic13@aol.com or find me on facebook.com/nicolemcduffiesfitness and send me a message there. I can't wait to help you to your goals like I helped Tracy!

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach