Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to get started with fitness

If you haven’t exercised or tried to eat clean in a while (or ever!), Day 1 of a 30, 60, or 90-day fitness and nutrition program can feel intimidating.
It doesn’t have to be. Here are several small things you can do to get started. With these simple tips, you can begin to prepare your body and mind for a healthier lifestyle before you even break a sweat or eat your first green vegetable. Though you could snack on some snap peas while reading this article…

Figure Out How Many Calories You Should Eat
Knowing is half the battle, right? Use this simple method to determine approximately how many calories you should try to eat each day, or consult your fitness program’s nutrition guide, and begin to make small adjustments to reach that daily goal. Using a nutrition tracker like MyFitnessPal can be extremely useful in helping you figure out how many calories are in the foods you eat and where you’re overindulging.

Get those muscles ready to move. If you haven’t used them in a while, do some gentle stretching to wake them up and get familiar with the current limits of your flexibility. Knowing where you’re tight can help prevent injury. Try these stretches to improve hip and lower back flexibility so you’ll be ready to move comfortably in workouts.

Start to Move More
Even if you’re not Pushing Play yet, you can begin to make an effort to move your body more every day. Take a walk, stand (or do squats!) when you talk on the phone, take the stairs, park a little farther away from your destination, stretch during television commercials, rearrange the furniture in your living room. What suggestions do you have for adding gentle movement to your day? Share your ideas in the comments.

Drink Water
Being dehydrated can make you sore even if you don’t exercise. Set yourself up for success, and minimize initial muscle soreness, by drinking plenty of water in the days leading up to the start of your fitness program. Get in the habit of drinking enough water every day. Read this article to find out how much water you need and get tips to help you drink enough.

Throw Away Junk Food
Empty your desk, cupboards, fridge, freezer, car, and secret snack stash drawer of foods and drinks you know you shouldn’t be eating. If you want to reach your fitness goal, prevent temptation by removing junk food from your house. If the packaged foods are unopened, donate them. We know you spent good money on those Ding Dongs and Doritos, but they are doing the opposite of helping you reach your health and fitness goals. If throwing them away seems like a daunting task, try these 6 tips to kick your junk food habit.

Build a Healthy Pantry
Now that you’ve eliminated the processed junk food from your home, replace it with good-for-you staples that will help you create healthy meals every day. Here is a list of 17 pantry essentials to get you started.

Set Up Your Work Out Space
This could be as easy as moving the coffee table in your living room, or as elaborate as setting up a dedicated gym in your garage or basement. You won’t need much space to exercise, but it’s a good idea to figure out where you’ll do it and make the space usable and inviting for the workouts you’ll be doing.

Plan an Outing that Involves Exercise
A great way to get into the spirit of exercise before you actually commit to a fitness program is to plan activities with friends that get you moving. Invite friends or family for a hike, go ice skating, or organize a softball or flag-football game.

Find Your Reason Why
In this video, Tony Horton says, “If you’re really caught up in the numbers on the scale, or the dress size, and what’s happening with the tape measure, chances are that does’t really motivate or inspire you. Find a new purpose. Find a new reason why. The reason why has got to be so powerful, so strong that you’re not going to quit, you’re not going to fail, and you’re going to be consistent, and show up 5-7 days a week for the rest of your life.” Watch the whole video here to find out Tony’s “Reasons Why.” What’s your Reason Why?

Build a Support System
Getting fit doesn’t have to be something you do alone! Announce your commitment to get healthier and stronger to your friends, family, and coworkers. Start or join a Challenge Group, join a Facebook group, or recruit workout buddies and accountability partners to help you stay motivated when your resolve starts to slip or you feel tempted to make unhealthy choices.

Make Time in Your Schedule
Figure out when you’ll fit exercise into your daily schedule and begin to make adjustments to reserve that time slot every day. Will you work out in the morning? During your lunch break? In the evenings? Schedule exercise time in your calendar and commit to it as an important meeting with yourself. You wouldn’t skip a meeting with your boss just because you feel tired or grumpy, would you? No, you’d be there on time with a smile on your face and do your best to impress.

Lose a Few Pounds Before You Start Exercising
Kickstart weight loss and learn healthy eating habits with 3-Day Refresh. Find out more here.

It’s OK to Start Slowly
You don’t have to Push Play and go full speed on the first day. If you’ve been spending the last few months or years sitting on the couch, just do what you can. It’s OK to start with a few minutes of exercise and work your way up to a full workout. Five or ten minutes of exercise a day is better than no minutes. Try to add one minute each day until you can do a full workout. In his article, 5 Steps to Avoid Muscle Soreness, our fitness expert Steve Edwards said, “It’s very tempting to begin an exercise program with a lot of enthusiasm, but try your best to go at a reasonable pace. If you’ve never exercised, or it’s been a long time since you have, go much easier than you feel you are capable of on Day 1 and ramp things up at a pace that is based on how you feel. If you’re not sore, go a little harder the next day. If you’re a little sore, take it down a notch.”

Blog post courtesy of

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Monday, January 5, 2015

Insanity Max 30

Beachbody and Shaun T have done it again! This time it is Insanity Max 30. Insanity Max 30 comes from Shaun T the creator of Insanity, T25, Hip Hop Abs, and Rockin' Body.

Beachbody and Shaun T have done it again! This time it is Insanity Max 30. Insanity Max 30 comes from Shaun T the creator of Insanity, T25, Hip Hop Abs, and Rockin' Body.

Get the Insanity Max 30 Challenge Pack Now! ($25 off)

How is Insanity Max 30 different from T25 or Insanity? Insanity Max 30 comes with 150 new moves, has a modifier with the option to keep him/her on the screen at all times, and is only 30 minutes a day 5 days a week!

It is going to be the toughest 150 new cardio and strength moves from Shaun T to get you ripped and toned in 60 days. It is broken into 2 30-day phases.

Order Insanity Max 30 (Without Shakeology)

  Why is it called Insanity Max 30?

Shaun T chose this name because you are going to MAX OUT at some point during every single workout. He wants you to give it everything you have then when you have to take a break you have MAXED OUT. You take a quick break and keep going. The point is to have your time increase every time you do that particular workout!

What is a modifier?

A modifier is a person who is doing the workout in the DVDs, but is modifying the moves and not going as hardcore as Shaun T. Unlike in Insanity, Max 30 will have a modifier at all times. You will even have the option of having him/her on the screen at all times. So that means that you can do this workout and keep it low impact at the same time!

Will I need equipment for Insanity Max 30?

No! You will be using your own body weight just like in Insanity. I have had the pleasure of doing several of the Max workouts now and you definitely don't need weights. You will feel the burn and get toned!

How much will it cost?

It's $119.95 for the workout, and the challenge pack is on sale for $180 allowing you to try Shakeology for half price! I recommend the challenge pack because it will help you with your nutrition which is 70% of any workout's results. Shakeology is something I drink EVERYDAY and love it because it got rid of sweet cravings and gave me energy which as a mom I was lacking! Chocolate is my favorite!

What do you get with Insanity Max 30? 
  • Two months of Maxed out Workouts and calendar
  • Specialized nutrition plan to help you see results
  • Bonus: Me as a coach
  • Free online accountability and support group. No reason to do this alone! Join and you can be a part of a group of people doing this, get accountability, support to complete the program, and FUN! 

I love Shaun T -- Can I coach others with Insanity Max 30 for free?

YES!! If you order the challenge pack you can coach for FREE. Just click here to sign up and the 2nd pack will have the challenge pack listed. I will be in touch with you shortly to know you and your goals, and to add you to all the training!

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach