Monday, September 30, 2013

What the Heck is Clean Eating?

 A friend of mine and I decided to eat clean all week this week. I will be starting Body Beast workout program in a week and she was wanting some better results. I try to eat clean as much as possible, but with a large family it is hard to do 85% of the time. I am dedicated to it this week, and we will go from here.

   The next question is what the heck is clean eating anyway? Have you heard of it? It is a fairly new concept and people are talking about it all over the internet. So chances are you have heard mention of it. When I first started looking into clean eating I was overwhelmed, confused, and bombarded by a lot of information. I kept going though. There are some great blogs out there with some really amazing recipes and tips. I have since then made many dinners that follow the clean eating principles. I have 4 kids so its hard to please all of them at one time. I have been pleasantly surprised that most of them have liked the things that we have been cooking. It is not that different really. I just don't do boxed dinners anymore like hamburger helper, etc.

   Also, a lot of people have the misconception that eating clean is expensive. There are aspects of it that are like you have to pay a little more for 100% whole wheat bread, but I basically spend the same amount at the store as I did before. There are many options out there now that make it easy and affordable to eat better.

Clean eating involves the following:

1. Eat whole foods: Eating whole foods, these are foods that haven't been messed with or been in a manufacturing plant. So they basically come straight from the farm to the store, of course some go to a plant to be packaged. Fruits, vegetables, whole-grains, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.

2. Avoid processed foods: Processed foods are foods that have a label. If it has a label it means that it  more than one ingredient was used to make it. Do you have to stop eating all labeled foods? Of course not it is just not feasible in our day and time. Things like whole grain pastas, spice packets, etc
However, if there is a word on the label that you can't pronounce don't eat it!

3. Eliminate refined sugar: The only thing refined sugar is adding to your diet is extra calories. There are many alternatives to refined sugar such coconut sugar or pure, local honey. It takes a while to get used to not having it, but once you get passed that you will feel better.

4. Eat 5 or 6 meals daily: Eating 5 to 6 smaller meals helps to rev up your metabolism. Plus it also helps you from feeling SO hungry that you feel the need to eat the whole kitchen!

5. Cook your own meals: Instead of eating your meals from a box, cook your own meal! It is not as hard as it sounds. There are many great websites out there that have simple, CLEAN, recipes.. They are good, wholesome, and if my picky kids will eat it, I know yours will too!

6. Combine protein with carbs: One thing I have learned is to balance out your meals. Not all carbs are bad, and your body actually needs them because carbs are what gives your body energy! So one carb, to one protein. For example, if having baked chicken add in 1/3 cup brown rice or 1/3 whole wheat or multigrain pasta. You will be surprised at how full you feel from adding in good, wholesome carbs to your meals!

So to end, my suggestion is to start slowly. Trade out one item each week. If you eat pasta trade it out for multigrain or whole grain one week or 100% whole wheat bread instead of white bread. Don't try to go all in at one time because this will cause failure as you will get burned out. Take it slow, but steady and you will win this race.

Head over to my facebook page for more tips:

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Monday, September 23, 2013

7 Day Shakeology Challenge

   Anyone interested in doing a 7 day shakeology challenge with me? I drink Shakeology everyday, but I KNOW how nervous I was to commit to it. It honestly took me several months to actually commit to order it. I wondered if this would really work, especially because I couldn't try it before I buy it. What if I didn't like it, what if I didn't like the way it tasted, what if, what if what if.
   Thankfully, I was in a challenge group and so many participants talked it up, so I trusted them, took the plunge, and ordered it on home direct. I was really worried about home direct because honestly I don't like having to call somewhere and cancel anything. I just don't like the phone much! Luckily, Beachbody has an amazing customer service staff and if you need to postpone or cancel your order, you just shoot them an email.

   I am so glad that I got the full 30 day supply because to be honest with you, I didn't like it the first time I made it. GASP! I couldn't believe it tasted that way. I talked to my coach and she gave me some great recipes, ideas on how to make it, and how to not make it clumpy. It worked! I loved it after that and I still do! I am so glad that I took the leap and ordered it!

   If you are not yet addicted to Shakeology...Try it our for a week and see/FEEL the benefits for yourself.

   The purpose of this Challenge: Well it's designed for people who need a little help getting their fitness and nutrition journey going, but aren't ready to commit to a full 30, 60 or 90-day program yet (I know how overwhelming that can be!). This Shakeology Challenge will help you lose weight, incorporate exercise into your daily routine and get in the habit of eating healthy, balanced meals a day.

During the seven days, you will be asked to:
  • Replace one meal a day with Shakeology
  • Exercise at least 5 of the 7 days for at least 30 minutes (walking, jogging, Beachbody workout, gym, your choice! Just get moving!)
  • Eat healthy, nutrient dense meals 95% of the time. You can browse the challenge group for recipe ideas- I promise they are yummy. We will follow the Shakeology eating plan found here.
  • Drink at least 64 oz. of water per day
  • Weigh in only on days 1, 4 and 8 (for 7 full days of nutrition and exercise)
What do YOU get out of this? 
  • In 7 days you will FEEL the benefits of Shakeology, the energy it gives you, and honestly...eating clean just me in a better mood!
  • A closed Facebook group for Accountability, Support, and maybe a new friend!
  • Workout routine ideas and encouragement
  • Clean eating guidelines, tons of healthy and delicious recipes
  • A healthy routine that sets the wheels in motion for a healthier lifestyle 
  • Weight loss is an added bonus, the real benefit is in the foundation you lay and the nutrients your body will be getting
The Challenge starts October 6th!
You have two options for getting started:
#1 See Paypal form below to purchase your 7 Day Shakeology Kit or Send $40 to as a personal gift via paypal. Put your flavor preference in the notes section.
#2 Get the most bang for your buck and order a month supply of Shakeology (If you opt for the month supply, make sure you select Home Direct to save yourself $10 with free shipping.) The FIRST 3 Home Direct orders will receive a FREE Shakeology shaker cup from me. 

Ready to get started? Make sure you scroll down and fill out the 7 Day Shakeology application so I get to know your goals and I will add you to the group!

If I am not yet your coach, what are you waiting for? Go here now!


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Nicole McDuffie
Independent BeachBody Coach

Friday, September 20, 2013

Chicken fajitas

I came across this clean eating Chicken Fajitas recipe a few days ago and we gave it a try last night. It was so good that I had to share it with you! I have a family of 6 so I have to use a bit more chicken. You will have to adjust this to your family size.

What you need:

Yellow, orange, and red bell peppers (you can just use one color if you like)
olive oil
Fajita seasoning packet
Yellow onion (your discretion here)
100% whole wheat tortilla shells

Start with sautéing your chicken. I sautéed mine in a little bit of olive oil, until cooked all the way through. I then added the onion and bell peppers cut up, and cooked those for about 5 minutes. Next,  add 1 packet of fajita seasoning mix. I added the amount of water on the back of the package.   Last, let that cook and marinate while making homemade guacamole.

Guacamole recipe:
1 avocado
1/2 medium tomato
Dash of sea salt.

Blend all of this together in a food processor or similar. This was so good, I couldn't believe how easy it was to make and how amazing the flavor tasted.

Once this part is done you are ready to make your fajitas.

Possible garnishments: sour cream and cheese (go light on these, you don't want it to be unhealthy! ;) )

Be careful on your tortilla shells. Make sure it states 100% whole wheat, otherwise you may be getting some that have bleached flour in it even though it looks like its a wheat tortilla. Always read those labels!
Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Thursday, September 19, 2013

My Fitness Journey so far...

Hello! I am 33 and a mother of 4, and a Navy wife. I have had a long journey to become a more fit person. Back in 2008 after baby #3, I felt down and out. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. I didn’t bounce right back from pregnancy like I have in the past. I weighed almost as much as I did while I was pregnant! I had to do something.

   One day I was flipping channels and saw a P90X infomercial…. (I am a sucker for workout video infomercials…I LOVE watching them!). Something about P90X spoke to me. At the time the hubby and I were about to move from Texas to Alabama, but I went ahead and ordered it. I actually ended up ordering just Power 90 by accident. I was disappointed about that, BUT I did it anyway! =( When we finally got into our new house I decided to go ahead and do that and get myself conditioned. I had never really worked out before. So in 90 days I finished Power 90, and wanted more!! I ordered P90X and completed it twice! I lost weight and put on some lean muscle.

   I was making progress on my body and was feeling more confident, but I didn’t get the results that they had on the screen. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I wasn’t eating like I should. I was doing the workout without putting in the work in the kitchen! I lost some inches, some weight, but now I think about what I could have achieved if I had just eaten healthy!! =) In addition to P90X I took up running. I got to where I could run almost 4 miles. I loved running. Then I became pregnant. I continued running (with okay from my doctor). I ran until about 7 months, then I had to fast walk as I became bigger. The biggest difference I saw this time is that I only gained about 13 pounds. I contribute that to running/walking about 4 days a week while I was pregnant. So my biggest encouragement to women now is to please continue a workout program while pregnant. I still ate what I wanted too. Once I had my son, I had the easiest recovery even though he was my biggest baby weighing in at 8lbs 10oz!!! I was in my prepregnancy clothes by one week out….woot, woot!! I continued to run after about 3-4 weeks recovery time.

   When my son was 9 months old my husband got word that he was to be deployed. Since I knew I wouldn’t be able to run everyday on the treadmill with my son I started looking at beachbody workouts again. I needed something that I could do with him in the house or while he was napping. I again watched an infomercial, but this time it was on Insanity. I thought to myself, “WOW! That looks like an awesome workout!” I ordered it. I started it before my husband left. Completed it almost twice by the time he came home on break, and he was blown away at the results he saw! I had lost 10 lbs and more inches.  I love that I can do this workout with my kids running around and playing. Most of the time my son sits right beside me and plays with his toys while I workout. Let me tell you that he loves Shaun T! Every time he hears his voice he starts jogging and now that he is almost 2 he does his “push-ups”!! I didn’t know where to go from Insanity because what do you do after Insanity? It is the BEST workout I have ever done and gave me the most amazing results. So, I again checked out beachbody and saw that there was an Insanity Asylum and I ordered it. I have completed it twice now. It gave me more defined results!

   I have gone on to finish Shaun T’s birthday Insanity challenge with my third round of Insanity. I did it this time with a great friend, and  we followed the nutrition plan which I had never done before. I got the best results I had seen so far!  
   While doing most of these workouts I had to carve out time in my schedule because I was working full time, going to school full time, and being a mom. It was tough and there were times when I was up late or early! It can be done, if you make it a priority. A workout is like 4% of your day. I either got up early or stayed up late during the time before I finally got to stay home.

I decided after completing these programs and seeing the weight and inch loss that I got that I wanted to help people do this too. I just want to inspire people to reach their health and fitness goals. I figured if I could help one person it would be worth becoming a coach. So I am coaching and it is truly my passion. I love helping people meet those goals. It is a very rewarding job.
So now I am completing Shaun T's new workout called Focus T25. I am on week 9 of 10 so almost done! I have to say that at 33 I am in the best shape of my life, and am only looking to get better!
Do you want to get healthy and fit? Let me help  you! Sign up for your free account at Then click join Beachbody. I will help you get the results you want and be on your way to living a healthier lifestyle!!!

Total Inches lost: 15.5

Beginning weight: 148

Current weight: 115

Total weight loss: 33 lbs