Sunday, April 6, 2014

21 Day Fix - Lose up to 15 lbs in 21 Days

The 21 Day Fix is the newest program by Beachbody. It rolled off of the shelves on February 3rd, and has since been so wildly popular that it keeps selling out!

What is the 21 Day Fix?

 It is designed to focus on weight loss of up to 15 lbs in 21 days through your nutrition with a meal plan by portion control bowls, a workout, and the support of me as your coach. The 21 Day Fix takes all of the guess work out of weight loss. It is a unique portion control system combined with an easy to follow workout. The workout is easy to fit into anyone's busy schedule because each workout is only 30 minutes of focused exercise! Autumn Calabrese shares her passion for food and fitness as she shows you how to make simple changes in your diet that add up to life changing results.

Do you feel like you are eating healthy and exercising, but not getting anywhere? It could be portion sizes. I know that I have felt like I do pretty good as far healthy eating, but I have a big problem with portion control! This program was specifically designed to help you in this area!

What is my most loved part about this program though is that their is a modifier so it truly fits any fitness level! If you are a beginner you can do this program. If you are advanced in fitness you can work this program! Autumn Calabrese is a national swimsuit competitor, and designed this program to fit any fitness level. What is even more fantastic is that you can do this program as many times as you like to get to your goals.

How do you go about getting this program? Go to teambeachbody and get a free account, this will make me your FREE Beachbody coach. I will provide you with support, motivation, and accountability from the beginning of the program to the end of the program, for as many times as you want to complete it!

Do you want to be considered for one of my support groups for this program? If you said yes, please fill out the application below. I will be there to walk you through the nutrition plan, and help you plan to make this work for your lifestyle. The group is a closed online support group with other individuals who are doing the same program. What does this mean? That only those in this group can see what is going on in the group. The only cost to this is the cost of the challenge pack which includes everything to get you started. The workout DVDs, nutrition guide, portion control bowls, discounted price, and me as your coach. Do this now so that you will be ready for summer!


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