Challenge Group Applications

We are not just aiming for weight loss though, we work to set you up for long term success with your health and fitness. It will be hard work, it will push you mentally and physically, and drive you to become who you were truly meant to be. You must be willing to do the work, you must be willing to participate in the group and step outside of your comfort zone, most of all, you must be willing to challenge yourself and commit to change.
I must be your assigned coach, so if you DO NOT yet have an account, Click Here to make me your Coach.
If you DO have an assigned coach, you have two options:
1. Reach out to your current coach and see if they run their own challenges (MANY do!)
2. If you are not working with your assigned coach and would like to switch, you can do so by writing and requesting to have your coach changed to Nicole McDuffie  #232841. (Doing so takes approx. 48-72 hours)
To participate in my Challenges you must do the following:
1. You must do a Beachbody fitness program. If you do not already own one we can work together to pick one that will work with your schedule and help you get the results that you are looking for! (If you need to purchase a program, make sure you ask me how you can save between 25-30% OFF by ordering your Shakeology and program together!)
2. Everyone in the challenge drinks Shakeology, no if’s and’s or but’s about it. This is going to ensure that you get the results you desire within the 30 day period of the challenge. Abs are made in the kitchen and diet makes up 70% of your results. Most programs that you purchase will have a meal plan with it, we can discuss that when we get going!
3. You must be open-minded and willing to share & participate in the group. We have daily assignments/check ins that are designed to help you overcome obstacles and grow as a person so that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. Remember, we are after sustainable results!
We have all tried different diets, taken off weight, put it back on, started new workout programs, quit them, joined gyms, stopped going, etc. This Challenge is meant to get you on track and give you the support that you need to make a lifestyle change and reach your full potential. If you are at that jumping off point and are ready to commit to change then this Challenge is for you!

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