Wednesday, December 4, 2013

P90X3 will be here December 10th!

P90X3 will be here December 10th on sale for the month of December plus a FREE P90X3 hat when you order by signing up for a free account here!


My very first Beachbody program was P90 and then P90X, although I have never done P90X2 I am super pumped for P90X3! Why am I so excited????

First, this program is NOT a graduate program. That means that if you have never done P90X or P90X2 it is totally okay and you can do P90X3! Secondly, all 20 workouts are 30 minutes! BOOM! This is awesome compared to the long workouts of P90X which could be an hour and fifteen minutes long. Who has time for that? I know since I am a busy mom I certainly do not have time for that. I LOVE Tony Horton though, he is funny during the workouts and serious about fitness. 30 minutes is going to be perfect for me as a busy Mom!

I will be running a P90X3 test group of my own. What does this mean? You buy the challenge pack on december 10- December 31 and you will be placed in my exclusive P90X3 test group. You will be among the first people to try the program and see the results YOU get from the program. I will provide accountability and support for you and the other participants in my challenge group daily as well as weekly phone calls to keep you on track. If this sounds like something that would benefit you please sign up for a free account here and email me at with subject line "P90X3 test group". Group will be starting January 1st, just in time to meet those New Year's resolutions!

Tony says, "You know what I keep hearing lately? "Tony, your programs are awesome, they make me look incredible. But an hour every day? Come on . . .!!! I get it. You want the results, and you're willing to do the work, but your freakin' schedule is jam-packed."
So what did he do about this? He took everything he learned from P90X and P90X2 and coupled it with new science that shows intense 30 minute workouts can get you in better shape faster and slammed it all into overdrive! The results? Short, targeted, intense workouts that take just 30 minutes--but leave you looking like you'be been tearing it up in the gym all day, every day.

Results from the P90X3 Test Group:

Seeing the results from the test group completely sold me on this program. I know 30 minutes is something that is total doable with my schedule, but I also know that it is going to totally kick my butt too. The results in these pictures just go to show you that 30 minutes can be effective. As a matter of fact all but one of the test group participates lost 10% of their body fat in the 90 day program. Isn't that amazing?? 10% is a lot, wouldn't it be phenominal to get these results?

What will you need for P90X3? 

Tony said NO running shoes of any kind because these will actually hurt your feet. He says go for cross training, volleyball, or babsketball shoes. The reason is that you will be moving laterally and all around not just forward like in running, and these types of shoes will give you the support you need while keep your feet protected!

Ordering P90X3

Sign up here for a free account and I will send you a reminder email on December 10th. P90X3 will be available by itself or in a Challenge Pack (P90X3 + Shakeology + nutrition plan + a 30 Day Club Membership with Meal Planning Tools) on December 10, 2013. IT WILL BE AT A SALE PRICE!! It will be $180 for December and back up to $205 after December 31, 2013.

If you order through me, or your existing Beachbody coach, by December 31st, you’ll also receive a free 1-on-1 leg workout DVD by Tony and a P90X3 hat. (Sign up for first access to P90X3 through a email reminder)
I’ll also be doing P90X3 with a small test group starting January 1st, so if you want in the group please let me know now so I can save you a spot! Email me at with the subject line “P90X3 Challenge Group”
They also broke down when the program would arrive for anyone wanting to get ready for the new year.
If you want it by Christmas, you need to order it between 12/10-12/15.
If you want it by January 1st, you need to order between 12/10-12/22.
They do predict the individual workout will sell out. You will be able to buy it in a pack through 12/31 for the sale price!

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