Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year's Resoultions

Let's talk about your New Year's Resolutions! What are they? Do you know yet? Have you thought about it?

Mine are: 
1. To expand my cooking abilities so that I can provide more nutritious meals for my family. 
2. I don't want to lose any more weight, but I want to get more tone and lose inches around my waist. 2 inches in the      waist to be exact. 
3. To pay off all debt except for student loans (those will take a little longer).
4. To become a two star diamond coach.
5. To buy a house when we move.
6. Go to Disney World again

How do I go about accomplishing this? 

Plan ahead.
It's 11:59 PM on December 31st—do you know what your resolution is? For the best chance of success, set your goals long before you want to start them. Wiseman says that reflecting on your goals a few days before the New Year will make you more likely to choose a meaningful resolution2—which, of course, will make you more motivated to work for it. Still haven't set a goal? That's okay. Make one now and set yourself a start date a few days from now.
Shout it from the rooftops . . .
. . . or at least share it online. According to Wiseman's research, women were more likely to succeed if they told their friends and family about their goals.3 After all, you wouldn't want to fail in front of a few hundred of your closest friends, colleagues, and high school exes—would you? Make your resolution Facebook® official, tweet about it, or post a "before" photo on Instagram®. Accountability is your friend.
Once you've decided on your Big Important Goal, come up with a few smaller objectives that can help you get there. If you resolve to lose weight, commit to doing your INSANITY® workout every day. Or hire a personal trainer and buy sessions in bulk. Or take a two-mile hike every weekend. "Intention is very different than action," says Daniel C. Stettner, Ph.D., director of Psychology at UnaSource Health Center in Troy, MI, and an adjunct professor at Wayne State University in Detroit. "People have to come up with tactics and strategies. Otherwise, it's like driving to a destination without directions—you're not going to be successful."
Think positive . . . but not too positive.
 Notebook with New Year Resolutions on themIf you paid attention in English class, you might remember "doublethink" from Orwell's 1984—the ability to accept two opposing beliefs as truth. In this case, you need to accept that you can succeed and that you can fail. In his book, 59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot, Wiseman points to research by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen, who found that imagining success kept people motivated, while imagining failure helped them form "avoidance goals."4 In other words, it's okay to fantasize about firing your annoying cube mate when you become manager—but also devise a Plan B in case you get passed over for this round of promotions.
Know thy enemy.
Willpower is overrated. According to a recent study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, people were more likely to be successful if they avoided temptation altogether rather than expecting superhuman self-control to kick in.5 So figure out what changes you can make to sidestep your biggest roadblocks—can you take a different route to work that doesn't pass a bagel shop? Can you block Facebook on your computer to free up more time for new projects? Can you switch from your usual hangout to a non-smoking bar? A few small lifestyle changes can prevent big pitfalls.
Reward yourself.
We all love instant gratification. So when you're pursuing a long-term goal like weight loss or digging out of debt, short-term rewards will help you power through. Just make sure the rewards jibe with the ultimate goal—don't reward a week of workouts by eating an entire chocolate cake. If you're trying to slim down, for example, Dr. Stettner suggests buying a new outfit you can't squeeze into (yet!) or working out with a friend so the reward is built-in.
Don't let setbacks derail you.
Spoiler alert: You're human, so you're going to screw up. Don't let it discourage you, and don't use it as an excuse to let the rest of the day (or weekend, or month) go down the tubes. "There are going to be lapses, but a lapse doesn't have to be a collapse or a relapse," Dr. Stettner says. "Seek persistence rather than the dirty P-word, perfection. Don't think, 'I went off the plan today, so I'll start over tomorrow.' Salvage it. Save the day."

Monday, December 9, 2013

Struggling to lose weight!

    Have you always been taught that you need to exercise more and eat less to lose weight? Has this left you struggling to follow a workout plan because all you can think about is food? This leaves you starving and then you binge. Then you think to yourself well I have blown my diet, so I will just eat what I want today and start over tomorrow. Then when tomorrow comes you say well I will just start over Monday, right? Monday comes and you just don't have the energy to do the whole diet over again!

     I KNOW how this feels. It does not have to be this way! You can eat and lose weight. I know this sounds crazy because we have always been told to keep our calories low to lose weight. As long as you are working out you can eat more calories. You don't have to eat a bunch of nontasty foods. Do you have to eat healthy? Yes of course! Does it have to be stuff you don't like? NO!!!

     When I started my journey 4 years ago I had NO idea about how to eat healthy. Honestly, I thought eating healthy was a no carb diet! Which was so popular at the time. I tried that and did lose a little weight, but because I was exercising I was SO tired. I quit that and went back to eating the junk I had always eaten. I didn't get the results that I had planned on getting, BUT what happened was that I didn't quit exercising. It made me feel good, it made me feel healthy. What happened next is that I plugged in to communities of healthy people and did tons of research. I have learned so much along the way. How to eat clean and unprocessed foods as much as possible. How to do this slowly over time, so that you won't fail this time. I have lost 30 pounds by eating healthy, working out, and drinking Shakeology. I feel healthier than I have ever felt. My passion is to help people feel the same!

Does this sound like something that would benefit you? Have you tried losing weight and exercising but failed because the "diet" was just to hard? I know that feeling all to well. I have overcome it though and I would love to help you overcome it too! My new group starts on Jan 1. If you want to be a part of that and get support to help you lose this weight fill out this challenger application:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

P90X3 will be here December 10th!

P90X3 will be here December 10th on sale for the month of December plus a FREE P90X3 hat when you order by signing up for a free account here!


My very first Beachbody program was P90 and then P90X, although I have never done P90X2 I am super pumped for P90X3! Why am I so excited????

First, this program is NOT a graduate program. That means that if you have never done P90X or P90X2 it is totally okay and you can do P90X3! Secondly, all 20 workouts are 30 minutes! BOOM! This is awesome compared to the long workouts of P90X which could be an hour and fifteen minutes long. Who has time for that? I know since I am a busy mom I certainly do not have time for that. I LOVE Tony Horton though, he is funny during the workouts and serious about fitness. 30 minutes is going to be perfect for me as a busy Mom!

I will be running a P90X3 test group of my own. What does this mean? You buy the challenge pack on december 10- December 31 and you will be placed in my exclusive P90X3 test group. You will be among the first people to try the program and see the results YOU get from the program. I will provide accountability and support for you and the other participants in my challenge group daily as well as weekly phone calls to keep you on track. If this sounds like something that would benefit you please sign up for a free account here and email me at with subject line "P90X3 test group". Group will be starting January 1st, just in time to meet those New Year's resolutions!

Tony says, "You know what I keep hearing lately? "Tony, your programs are awesome, they make me look incredible. But an hour every day? Come on . . .!!! I get it. You want the results, and you're willing to do the work, but your freakin' schedule is jam-packed."
So what did he do about this? He took everything he learned from P90X and P90X2 and coupled it with new science that shows intense 30 minute workouts can get you in better shape faster and slammed it all into overdrive! The results? Short, targeted, intense workouts that take just 30 minutes--but leave you looking like you'be been tearing it up in the gym all day, every day.

Results from the P90X3 Test Group:

Seeing the results from the test group completely sold me on this program. I know 30 minutes is something that is total doable with my schedule, but I also know that it is going to totally kick my butt too. The results in these pictures just go to show you that 30 minutes can be effective. As a matter of fact all but one of the test group participates lost 10% of their body fat in the 90 day program. Isn't that amazing?? 10% is a lot, wouldn't it be phenominal to get these results?

What will you need for P90X3? 

Tony said NO running shoes of any kind because these will actually hurt your feet. He says go for cross training, volleyball, or babsketball shoes. The reason is that you will be moving laterally and all around not just forward like in running, and these types of shoes will give you the support you need while keep your feet protected!

Ordering P90X3

Sign up here for a free account and I will send you a reminder email on December 10th. P90X3 will be available by itself or in a Challenge Pack (P90X3 + Shakeology + nutrition plan + a 30 Day Club Membership with Meal Planning Tools) on December 10, 2013. IT WILL BE AT A SALE PRICE!! It will be $180 for December and back up to $205 after December 31, 2013.

If you order through me, or your existing Beachbody coach, by December 31st, you’ll also receive a free 1-on-1 leg workout DVD by Tony and a P90X3 hat. (Sign up for first access to P90X3 through a email reminder)
I’ll also be doing P90X3 with a small test group starting January 1st, so if you want in the group please let me know now so I can save you a spot! Email me at with the subject line “P90X3 Challenge Group”
They also broke down when the program would arrive for anyone wanting to get ready for the new year.
If you want it by Christmas, you need to order it between 12/10-12/15.
If you want it by January 1st, you need to order between 12/10-12/22.
They do predict the individual workout will sell out. You will be able to buy it in a pack through 12/31 for the sale price!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Turbo Kick Instructor Training

     I found out about Turbo Kick classes at my very first Super Saturday (quarterly Beachbody meetings).... I was interested to find out more what Turbo Kick was so I did some research online. I found out that 1. anyone could do the instructor training and 2. the classes were FUN!

     I wanted to take the instructor training, but one thing that held me back was of course my own fear. I am extremely shy and just not the outgoing type so to do something like this would mean I would have to get over that! Then I had never actually taken one of the classes. While I had done a workout which was similar called TurboFire, I hadn't actually done a Turbo Kick class. That worried me that I would look silly.

     I proccrastinated on the first training that was near my area due to my own fear and self doubts. One thing that Beachbody has done for me since becoming a coach has taught me to read personal development everyday. Through this I was able to put that fear to the side and I registered for the instructor class! Does that mean I was not super nervous to go? Absolutely not! I was a nervous wreck!

     The morning of the training I got there early. So I sat in my car praying for peace and for me to kick all of my self doubt, fear, and shyness to the door! Guess what? It totally worked! I am a firm believer in the power of prayer and our God is awesome!

     I walked in and everyone was so nice! There were a few other girls that I knew from my training group and they had never taken the classes either, this immediately put me at ease! Since they were in the same boat as me, I wasn't worried about looking silly!

    The instructor was so nice and broke down each step as we begin the training. It was one of the best exercises I have ever done. I was instantly in love with Turbo Kick. The class lasted all day with some sit down talks about how to run Turbo Kick classes and two Turbo Kick classes combined in there. It started at 9 and ended at 5, but it never felt like we were there that long.

    When I left I was a sweaty, tired mess. I was so sore for a couple of days after the training. I am so thankful for the opportunity to do the instructor training.. I am thankful to Beachbody for teaching me the skills to step out of my comfort zone. Once you have the courage to step out of that comfort zone it truly is where the magic happens.

      I have now been practicing Turbo Kick everyday. I don't think I will ever actually teach a class, but just to know that I did the class and got the training which is something I NEVER saw myself doing is just pure awesomesauce! I got out of my comfort zone and did something to prove that I could! If you have never tried Turbo Kick find a class in your area. I think you will love it, and who knows maybe one day soon you will be a Turbo Kick instructor too!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

21 Days of FitMas Holiday Slimdown

I will be hosting my next weight loss support challenge group and it is going to be the 21 Days of FITmas Holiday Slimdown Challenge.

When is it? Monday Dec 2 - Sunday Dec 22

This is going to be 21 days of FOCUSED FITNESS, NUTRITION and SUPPORT. 

In 21 days, you can lose up to 15 lbs. and unveil your new fit holiday body on Christmas Eve! You can go all out for 21 days and then take the rest of the month off if you want, or continue with us for the rest of the month - your choice! Get a head-start on your New Years Resolution and start looking and feeling better right now. Don't wait until New Year's, this group is going to be fun, and 21 days is so quick! It will pass off before you know it! 

There are going to be some awesome prizes during this challenge that I am so excited about ! (Weekly draws based on YOUR participation):

They are going to be:
Focus T25
Les Mills Combat
$50 gift card

Also, the month of November, Beachbody is “Give $20 and Get $20” for every Challenge Pack sold. Meaning, you will get $20 to use towards anything Beachbody AND $20 will go to feeding the hungry!

**Nov 19th is the last day you can order to ensure delivery of your challenge pack or Shakeology by 12/2.

Requirements: Shakeology and a Beachbody Fitness program

Message me or comment for more information at or find me at I look forward to hearing from you!


Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Another Success Story, my sweet friend Tracy

     I met Tracy during a very rough spot in my life, and one in hers. We have become such great friends even though we have never met in person. She has been a person that I could pour my heart out to and she totally understand me and gets it! God certainly knew what he was doing when he crossed our paths. She was one of the very first people to support me in my Beachbody business. She saw that I truly believed in Beachbody products and decided to give it a try.

     She has now completed two Beachbody programs, Chalean Extreme and TurboFire, and she got some amazing results! She has had 4 kids and wasn't overweight, but she wasn't happy with the body she now had. Tracy's goal was to lose 10 pounds and to feel comfortable in her own skin again. When she looked at pictures of herself she saw a lady who was beautiful, but covered herself with baggy clothes. She was not comfortable wearing bathing suits when she took her kids swimming. 

    She completed Chalene Extreme first and saw some amazing results from this program. She started to lose weight like crazy which is what the program promises. She actually had to up her calories intake because her weight started to come off so fast. She gained lean muscle and her bicep muscle was out of this world! When she completed this program she loved Chalene Johnson so much that she decided to do TurboFire and she continued to get some amazing results even though she did not believe she would get anymore then she already had. 

     Tracy also had to workout at home because she has 4 kids. It was important that she do something that she could do at home while the kids were playing. It is so funny to see pictures of her kids flexing their muscles or to hear about her 2 year old saying she wants to go size (short for exercise). Not only is she making herself healthy, but she is an example for her kids. I can guarantee that that will carry over into their adulthoods. How awesome is that? Knowing that you provided that for your kids so they never have to struggle with the things that we have as far as weight loss or being healthy goes. It gives me goosebumps! 

     Her total weight lost is 17 pounds. Total inches lost 17 inches. Waist -4 inches, hips -1 in, abductors -3 in, chest -3 in, arms -1 in each, and thighs -2 in in each! Are these not amazing numbers! She got the inches lost in all the right spots, and she looks amazing and gorgeous! Tracy now feels comfortable in her own skin. She wears clothes that fit her and feels comfortable doing that as well. She loved the format of the challenge group because the members help you to be accountable, and when you feel down they pick you up. The support is out of this world. Tracy gives some great advice to our challenge group. I feel so blessed and honored that she trusted me to help her in this journey. She has given our group so much support and encouragement and it wouldn't be the same without her in it! 

    What does Tracy have to say now that she has completed two Beachbody Programs? "I am in better shape now at 41 then I have ever been in! And above all I love that I started paying more attention to eating. We aren't perfect and we still have our treats and pizza nights for sure. But I am making better choices for myself, and for what my family is putting in their bodies. And finally now, that I have surpassed any goal I set for myself and didn't even think was possible (I lost 10 lbs more than the goal I had set!!!) I am learning balance in my eating, learning to enjoy food and be smart about it, but also to not have as much guilt if I have a not so good day!"







If you have been wanting to lose weight by yourself and have failed maybe you should consider joining one of my weight loss challenge groups. We offer accountability, daily food ideas, and support. Shoot me a message today, or find me on and send me a message there. I can't wait to help you to your goals like I helped Tracy!

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Goal Setting for Weight Loss or Fitness Results

    I was reevaluating my goals this morning and trying to figure out what I need to do to reach my next set of goals. This got me thinking about goals and why we should set them. Wikipedia defines goals as "a desired result a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve a personal or organizational desired end point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting deadlines."

   So why set goals for weight loss? Goals are important for any tasks in life, but essential in weight loss. Why though? Because it helps to keep you accountable to yourself and what you want. I didn't know this 5 years ago when I begin my weight loss/fitness journey. If I had, I think that I would have reached my goal much sooner then I did.

   When setting your goals for weight loss, you have to be specific with it. For example, I wanted to lose 20lbs when I first started my journey, but I didn't set a specific time frame and therefore it took me several years just to lose 20 lbs. I did it without a deadline. I knew what I wanted, but I didn't have a specific time frame in mind so therefore I didn't push myself or hold myself accountable to my end goal. I have finally reached my end result of losing 30 lbs, but took me much longer then desired.

    When I started a new weight loss support group. I always ask the challengers to set a goal weight loss and a time frame. If we started today and they wanted to lose 10 lbs I would ask them to pick a time frame they wanted to lose this weight by. Some say by the end of the challenge or within 45 days which would be the half way point. I help to hold them accountable to their goal.

    When you want to lose weight set a goal, and be specific with it. Say I want to lose ____ lbs by ____ date and be realistic. You won't lose 50 lbs in a month, but you could in 6 months! Set miniature goals to achieve larger weight loses. If it is 50 lbs say I will lose 10 lbs by 30 days from now. Next step, write it down on several sticky notes or pieces of paper and put it in places where you will see it everyday. For example, on the pantry, the refrigerator, the bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, your desk at work, and any place where you will see it often! It helps to see it so when you want to sneak that cookie and you see that note, it will help to hold you accountable to your goal and the time frame in which you want to reach it.

    Do you need help to reach your goal weight? Do you need help setting those goals? Follow me at and message me there or at My coaching is always free! I would love to help get you started on reaching your dream weight and goals!

Nicole McDuffie
Independent BeachBody Coach

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jenny's transformation

   Good evening everyone! I have been wanting to sit down and share the progress of one my challenger's, Jenny. We started this group as the Focus T25 test group since it was a new program this past summer. This challenge group was so active and I am proud of each one of the ladies in my group! Most of them have finished T25 and have gone on to do other Beachbody workouts so we decided to keep the group open and going. I have come to care for these ladies and have so much respect for each one of them! Because of their commitment to the workouts and nutrition they are all getting amazing results! So I am sure that you will be reading more of these success stories!

   Jenny has two kids, a husband, works full time, and has many other responsibilities along with a very active family life. It would be so easy for her to skip out on her workout, or to pick up fast food for dinner. It would have been easy for her to make excuses. She doesn't though, this lady is the picture of dedication and even worked out in her camper while on vacation! She decided this past May that enough was enough and she has shown up each and every day.


   She put her whole self into this and because of that has gotten some serious results. With her program T25 she put in 25 minutes a day 5 days a week, that is the level of commitment for this program. No spending hours away from her family at the gym or getting up hours ahead of her family to go to the gym! I am so proud of Jenny for committing to this program and seeing it to the end.

   She trusted me when I told her that this program would work to help her lose weight and inches. I know you see these programs on infomercials and wonder if it really works, or if those before and afters are real. Well this one is real! You are scared to invest because maybe it won't work and it will just collect dust on the shelf right? I have to say that the a huge part of it collected dust or not is the support that you get out of these groups! The people in the group keep you accountable to the food you are eating, the workouts, they are there for you when you are having a down day, or when you are having a great day and the bond is irreplaceable! 

Jenny's results with T25:

Waist: 10"
Thighs: 3.5"/3"
Arms: 2.5" off of both
Hips: 9"
Neck: 2.7"

For a total of: 28.2 inches! Isn't that amazing? That is not all before T25, Jenny, did another Beachbody program called Turbojam. Between this program and T25 she has lost a total of 70.2 inches and 50lbs! That is some serious dedication and I can't begin to describe how inspiring this woman is to me! 

Weight loss support groups are unique and here is what Jenny had to say about ours:

Are you looking for that type of support? Join my next weight loss support/challenge group starting October 28th, and get a jump start on that New Year's resolution! 

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Become a Beachbody Coach

Click here if: You want to be a Beachbody Coach! You will receive an email within 24 hours from me to welcome you to our team and help you get started right!
Want to chat one-on-one? Email me at

After Insanity 

I don't know if you have heard anything about Beachbody Coaching? Have you ever been approached about the opportunity or heard about it on one of the workout DVDs? I started coaching in April and I am hoping to make it my full time job. Right now I do stay home, but recently finished my Education degree and had planned on going to back to work when my little one turns 4. While I love children, helping people lose weight and feel more confident about themselves is my absolute passion. I love this job! I don’t hound anyone or pester anyone. I just ask questions and offer help when someone wants a new program, are not seeing results that they want with what they are doing, or has a general fitness or diet question. It has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done. When someone loses 10,20, or 50 lbs because I helped them pick out a program and held them accountable through a closed facebook page, there is just nothing like that! I also love never having to be in an office or answer to a boss–I work it because I want to and when I want!

Here is a general overview of Beachbody Coaching. If you would like to sign up with our team and do not have a TeamBeachbody account click here to sign up as a coach. If you do have an account email me at for the next step.

  • If you buy a Beachbody Challenge Pack (it comes with a fitness programShakeology, and a month membership to TeamBeachBody), your sign up fee to coach is waived!
  • If you are actively in the military, it’s free to sign up! You just fill out a short form and fax it in to get signed up for free. Contact me at short form and fax it in to get signed up for free. Contact me at to find out more. My husband is in the Navy and everything for him is 100% free. If you are in the military there is NOTHING to lose here and you can earn money!
  • If neither matches your circumstances, it is $39.95 to start coaching. This fee covers your online office with lots of web tools and training and 2 shop websites ( and
  • Monthly Fee: $14.95 to maintain your office and website
  • Once you go Emerald: $39.95 per quarter for a premium membership with meal plans and celebrity chats.

If You Are Already Drinking Shakeology…
  • You are spending approximately $139 a month for it. By becoming a coach, you will save $34.75 a month on it. That’s $400 a year!
  • So if you became a coach and did NOTHING to work your business, you would pay $219.39 for becoming a coach for a year. Based on your Shakeology savings of $417, you still would save about $177.61!

Basics About Making an Income as a Beachbody Coach
  • You make 25% commissions on any sales from your site whether you have ever bought or sold anything or not.
  • Your receive a 25% discounts on all products and programs.
  • You can earn a Team Cycle Bonus, paid weekly, if you decide to build a team.
  • If you do build your team with 2 or more coaches, you qualify for customer leads. These are the people that buy a program off television and do not have coach; Beachbody randomly assigns them to you. You then can make a 25% commission off of their future purchases.
  • You get first access to all new products and programs.
  • Start up is just $39.95 and then you pay $14.95/month as a website fee (you get 3 websites for that)
  • You can cancel at any time. There is no obligation or penalty fees (or anything like that).
  • Run a closed weight loss support groups through facebook.

Average Salaries of Beachbody Coaches (From Beachbody 09-10)

Emerald (2 Coaches)$2,588$52,758
Ruby (2 Coaches Under You are Emerald)$9,924$80,508
Diamond (Ruby + 4 of Your Coaches)$13,968$107,915
Star Diamond $94,122$1,052,383

Why I Chose Beachbody
  • Beachbody is a highly reputable company with products featured on news media, in magazines, on talk shows, used by celeb’s, etc.
  • Unlike many other products, Beachbody’s programs are always in demand. People are always going to want to lose weight and get healthy, and Beachbody is continually updating their product line.
  • No pressure to make sales or pressure to increase to a rank. If you want to work it great, if not or not right now, that’s cool too–Enjoy the discounts!
  • Free trainings, webinars, conference calls you can attend if you want to learn to be successful.
  • I’d be your mentor, so any questions or struggles you have, I’m here to help!
  • No stocking of product, or shipping products, or dealing with customer service issues.
  • No need for home parties (unless you want to, but that’s not necessary for success…I’ve never even done one!)
  • A HUGE support system from other coaches online!! You will feel like you have a whole new family!
  • I love helping and supporting people meet their health and fitness goals and Beachbody has given me the avenue to do this.
Below is a link to sign up to coach, but if you have any questions contact me I’d love to talk to you! :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

P90X3 Just 30 Minutes a Day

Do you remember that program P90X or P90X2? P90 and P90X was my first Beachbody programs. I loved it. It made me feel strong and kicked started my healthy lifestyle! The one thing I didn't like about it that many of the workouts are an hour long! This is just a bit to long when you are a busy parent, working full time, or going to school full time. P90X3 is going to be 30 minute workouts. Who doesn't have time for 30 minute workouts? You can squeeze those into any part of your day!
Says Tony Horton,
"I took everything I learned from P90X and P90X2—coupled it with new science that shows intense 30-minute workouts can get you in better shape faster—and slammed it all into overdrive.
The result? Short, targeted, intense workouts that take just 30 minutes—but leave you looking like you've been tearing it up in the gym all day, every day."

So how to get it?
P90X3 will be shipping on Dec. 10, 2013. I will let my customers know first when P90X3 is available for pre-order through email, if you are not working with a Beachbody Coach you can make a free account and have me as your coach here and it will automatically add you to my email list. From there you can join in on one of my challenge groups and/or just have me available for questions about your program.

Have you been a long time P90X fan and have considered becoming a coach, there is no better time than now to join. Not only do you save 25% on all products, but you can help inspire others to live a healthier life. Message me at


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

14 Simple Tips for Weight Loss

We all need help when it comes to losing weight. Here are a few things that I have learned along the way in my journey. I hope that it will help you in yours!

1. Get rid of the dieter's mentality: I know this is one you have heard before, but don't make this a "diet"make it a lifestyle change. When you say this is a diet it implies that you will go back to your old eating habits. So get out of that mind set. Say you are not dieting you are on a journey to eat healthier for the rest of your life. Eating healthy doesn't have to taste bad or be boring.

2. Cut your portion sizes: Many people eat way bigger portions than they should. Use the following picture as a reference.

3. Track your food: Download an app that allows you to track your food, such as MyFitnessPal, or track it in a food diary. Track every bite you put in your mouth. If you are a Mom like me than you may be eating more calories than you think, like a bite here or there of your kids food!

4. Make specific goals: Don't just write down a goal like I want to lose 20lbs. Make it as specific as possible such as I will lose 20lbs by Christmas Day. This makes it realistic and gives you an idea of how many pounds you need to lose each week.

5. Cut out empty calories: No more sodas or juice, this includes diet sodas.

6. Exercise: Exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week. It can be a walk, jog, workout program, or challenge from pintrest. Just get moving for at least 30 minutes 3 to 4 times a week.

7. Eat more veggies and fruit: Veggies are like free foods. Low in calories, dense, filling, and nutritious. I don't enjoy vegetables a whole lot, but I have found different ways of seasoning them and I have found that I love them more now! Fruits are just as good for you! Eat a fist full several times daily.

8. Eat less processed foods: I know this is a hard one in our busy world, but you will lose more if you can cut out the processed foods. It is very easy to do this. I turn to other blogs and make foods that are healthy and family friendly now!

9. Clean out your pantry: Get rid of all the tempting foods in your pantry like cookies and chips. By doing this you will be getting rid of the temptations.

10. Avoid hunger: It takes a little longer, but if you plan, prep, and prepare all your meals you are less likely to get so hungry that you binge. I find that when I don't have some planned out for dinner we will tend to eat out or binge. It seriously pays to plan ahead!

11. Tell all your family and friends: Studies have shown that those who have the support of family and friends are more likely to lose weight than those who don't.

12. Treat yourself in moderation: If you have a cheat meal, don't go overboard. Enjoy it, but just make it a meal not a cheat day! Also, if you want a piece of candy get a fun sized piece, or have a small piece of cake instead of a large one. If you treat yourself you are less likely to feel deprived and then binge. So treat yourself just in moderation, and no more then a couple times a week.
13. Motivate yourself: Go buy that bikini that you want to wear, a to small dress, or to small pair of jeans. Hang it wear you can see it everyday. This is will give you the motivation you need to keep going.

14. Reward yourself: For every 5lbs or 10lbs you lose reward yourself. Not with treats, but go buy a movie, dvd, or something like that when you meet each small goal.
So here are some simple steps or ideas to help you on your weight loss journey. Follow me on facebook for daily tips.
Nicole McDuffie
Independent BeachBody Coach