Wednesday, April 9, 2014

21 Day Fix Food Plan

21 Day Fix Food Plan:

The program was super easy to follow. All of the food is laid out for you in an easy to follow nutrition guide. The program comes with portion control bowls that are microwave and dishwasher safe. If food from each category fits in the bowl then you can eat it.

When I received my program, I read the guide cover to cover! That way I could understand the plan and what I needed to do to prepare myself for the program. Your container allowances is based on a formula in the plan, and with that calculation you choose your calorie range. From there the plan tells you how many of each container you can have for a day of food.

For me, I was in the 1200-1499 calorie range. That gave me 3 green (veggies), 2 purple (fruits), 4 red (protein), 2 yellow (carbs), 1 blue (seeds, etc), 1 orange (nuts and dressings), and 2 spoons (nut butters, olive oil, coconut oil, etc).

From there the containers are broken down in the guide as to what foods are allowed for each category so that ALL of the guesswork is taken out of this. It is so easy to make a meal plan from here because you can look at your daily container allowance and the foods allowed and make out your meals for the day. The foods listed will give you a variety of nutrients for your body.

One sample day for me:

Breakfast: One egg, 2 pieces of turkey bacon (1 red), 1/2 banana (1 purple)
Snack: Shakeology and water (1 red)
Lunch: One can of tuna fish, mustard, one 10 inch whole grain wrap, one green container of cucumbers and 10 baby carrots (1 red, 2 greens, 1 yellow)
Snack: Apple and peanut butter (1 purple, 1 spoonful)
Dinner: Baked chicken w/olive oil and Mrs. Dash seasoning, broccoli, sweet potato, salad with tomatoes. (1 red, 2 green, 1 yellow, 1 spoon)
Snack: 10 olives (orange) 12 whole, raw almonds (Blue)

Equals: 4 greens, 4 reds, 2 purple, 2 yellow, 1 orange, 1 blue, and 2 spoons

I didn't eat out of the containers, but I did measure out of the containers and then pour onto my plate. When initially looking at the containers, I was a little discouraged because I was thinking that it wasn't going to be enough food and that I would be hungry. No one wants to be hungry because that is miserable! Well I was very surprised with the containers when you measure out food and pour it onto your plate because it is a lot more food then it looks like!

You are allowed to have milk, almond milk, 21 Day Fix treats (there are some awesome treat recipes in the guide) or even wine up to 3 times a week. However, it will replace one of your yellow containers. For me, I did have a treat a couple of times a week, but I never replaced one of my food with a liquid. I would much rather eat something then to drink something!

One more awesome thing about this program is that there is also a great restaurant guide as well. Because when we get real with life does sometimes get in the way and you are forced to eat out, with this you won't be ruining your diet. The guide gives you certain items like cheese pizza and how much you can have and what containers it corresponds with. For cheese pizza you can have 1/4 of a 12 inch pizza and it counts as 2 yellows and 1 orange!

Beachbody made it really easy to keep track of all your containers for the day with an awesome tally sheet. You can print these off and use them to keep track. At the top of the sheets you mark your allowance for each container and then with each meal you just tally up how many you have had of each container. It is easy and a great visual to keep you on track for the day!

Tracking Sheets

I planned all of my meals for each week. This made it super easy to follow the plan because I had each day planned out and knew what I could have. I also always made enough supper that I could leftovers the next day. If I knew I was going to be out for the day I packed all of my meals and/or snacks to go with me so I wasn't stuck not being able to eat something I wasn't supposed too. By planning out my meals I wasn't stuck at dinner time wondering what I would cook for my family and then opting to eat out. I had a plan and I stuck with it.

Speaking of family, I made all my meals according to what my family like and what we could eat with the meal plan. My family was never deprived either and I made lots of kid friendly and 21 Day Fix friendly meals! So you can do this program with kids or without kids! In my case, I have kids and was able to work this around to fit all of us. They never complained!

The good thing about this program is that I learned to eat more vegetables. I am a healthy eater, but I am not a vegetable lover. I did opt for fresh veggies most of the time over steam or cooked ones,and that is totally okay! I learned that I didn't eat as healthy as I thought. So the 21 Day Fix really opened my eyes to the fact that I wasn't always eating as healthy as I thought!

The 21 Day Fix is geared toward fast results, but we don't want you to stop at the end of 21 days. It is a life long program that you can follow. What happens at the end of 21 days is that you actually add in more calories (which means upping your containers). In my case it was another yellow, another purple, and two more spoons. Because you do not want to keep with low calories for long as you can actually hurt your results in the long run. You will still get results with the higher calorie count too!

It takes 21 days to break a habit. If you stick with this program and eat like you are supposed too, you WILL get results! I was never tempted to indulge in food that was allowed on the plan because I wanted to get results and was laser focused. I also never felt deprived. If I wanted something sweet, I would just make a treat that day. Several of them had chocolate in it so it cured that chocolate craving!!! I only felt hungry two times. These were on high weight days and it wasn't overwhelming hunger. So I wasn't miserable and cranky!

I thought that I ate pretty decent before the 21 Day Fix, but this program really showed me that I definitely over did it on the carbs, even if they are good carbs. You can over do it, and mess with results. I also gained a ton of energy from eating the way I am supposed too. It was amazing! I sleep better, I eat better, and I have more energy!

Tomorrow I will be blogging about the workouts!

Do you want in on my 21 Day Fix accountability and support?!?! Complete the application below to be considered for my next accountability and support group! I will keep you on track for reaching your own 21 day success! The start of a new you, a healthier lifestyle, and the body you have always wanted...THE HEALTHY WAY!

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