Thursday, October 17, 2013

Jenny's transformation

   Good evening everyone! I have been wanting to sit down and share the progress of one my challenger's, Jenny. We started this group as the Focus T25 test group since it was a new program this past summer. This challenge group was so active and I am proud of each one of the ladies in my group! Most of them have finished T25 and have gone on to do other Beachbody workouts so we decided to keep the group open and going. I have come to care for these ladies and have so much respect for each one of them! Because of their commitment to the workouts and nutrition they are all getting amazing results! So I am sure that you will be reading more of these success stories!

   Jenny has two kids, a husband, works full time, and has many other responsibilities along with a very active family life. It would be so easy for her to skip out on her workout, or to pick up fast food for dinner. It would have been easy for her to make excuses. She doesn't though, this lady is the picture of dedication and even worked out in her camper while on vacation! She decided this past May that enough was enough and she has shown up each and every day.


   She put her whole self into this and because of that has gotten some serious results. With her program T25 she put in 25 minutes a day 5 days a week, that is the level of commitment for this program. No spending hours away from her family at the gym or getting up hours ahead of her family to go to the gym! I am so proud of Jenny for committing to this program and seeing it to the end.

   She trusted me when I told her that this program would work to help her lose weight and inches. I know you see these programs on infomercials and wonder if it really works, or if those before and afters are real. Well this one is real! You are scared to invest because maybe it won't work and it will just collect dust on the shelf right? I have to say that the a huge part of it collected dust or not is the support that you get out of these groups! The people in the group keep you accountable to the food you are eating, the workouts, they are there for you when you are having a down day, or when you are having a great day and the bond is irreplaceable! 

Jenny's results with T25:

Waist: 10"
Thighs: 3.5"/3"
Arms: 2.5" off of both
Hips: 9"
Neck: 2.7"

For a total of: 28.2 inches! Isn't that amazing? That is not all before T25, Jenny, did another Beachbody program called Turbojam. Between this program and T25 she has lost a total of 70.2 inches and 50lbs! That is some serious dedication and I can't begin to describe how inspiring this woman is to me! 

Weight loss support groups are unique and here is what Jenny had to say about ours:

Are you looking for that type of support? Join my next weight loss support/challenge group starting October 28th, and get a jump start on that New Year's resolution! 

Nicole McDuffie
Independent Beachbody Coach

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